There are 3 domains of life, and there are 6 kingdoms.
The 3 domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota
Bacteria: The organisms in this domain do not have a membrane bound nucleus, and are as you would have guessed, bacteria. Under this domain there is one kingdom, the Eubacteria kingdom. Organisms under this domain and kingdom are prokaryotic,single celled, autotrophic/or heterotrophic, and some are motile while others aren't. ex:blue-green algae
Archaea: The organisms on this domain also, do not have a membrane bound nucleus which makes them have a prokaryotic cell type. The kingdom under this domain is Achaeabacteria ; they are single celled, and they get energy by breaking down chemicals in their environment, some are motile while others aren't; most reproduce by binary fission. ex:bacteria that tend to survive in extreme environments
Eukaryota: Organisms in this domain have a membrane bound nucleus, therefore are eukaryotic.
In the kingdom Protista there are some motile, some multi-cellular/or single-cellular, autotrophic/or heterotrophic organisms. ex: Ameba and algae
In the Fungi kingdom there are eukaryotic, multi-cellular, sessile(not moveable) organisms that feed on dead or decaying organisms or heterotrophic. ex: yeast,molds & mildews
In the kingdom Plantae there are eukaryotic, multi-cellular, sessile organisms that are autotrophic and feed off of sunlight to produce their own food. ex: moss, ferns, bushes, trees
In the kingdom Animalia there are eukaryotic, multi-cellular, motile, heterotrophic organisms. ex:insects, tigers, crabs, birds, and you!
Bryophytes: Nonvascular, multi-cellular, land plants that do not have roots, stems and leaves. They absorb water with their root-like rhizoids that anchor the plant. Since they are small they must pass all material from cell to cell by diffusion.
ex: mosses and liverworts
Tracheophytes: Seedless, vascular plants include club mosses(lycophyta), horsetails(sphenophytes), and ferns(pteridophytes)
Gymnosperms: Produce seeds in cones or cone-like structure and some are adapted to cold climate such as
conifers. This division also includes
cycads and ginkos
Angiosperms: Aka the "flowering plant"; Most temperate angiosperms drop their leafs annually during fall and winter then become dormant. Many tropical angiosperms are evergreen and lose few leaves.
ex:herbs,shrubs, sunflowers
Phloem: Transports food Made of living cells with perforated end-plates to allow stuff to flow through, transport food in both directions. Carry sugar,fats,proteins,etc. to growing regions and to storage organs in the roots.
Xylem: Takes water up Made of dead cells joined end to end with no end walls between them. They carry water and minerals from the roots up to the leaves in the transpiration stream.